Лучшее из кочевых традиций для современных кочевников
Our yurts are a source of pride for us. To create them, we select the best natural materials that help in the pace of modern life to regain harmony with nature. Each element of the yurt design is created by our craftsmen manually, with love and attention to detail!
Our craftsmen carefully select and carefully process wood, which, becoming the frame of the future yurt, will ensure the reliability and durability of its structure.
Лучшее из кочевых традиций для современных кочевников
Natural felt, created exclusively by hand, provides natural heat and sound insulation. The process of assembling each felt part is a complex art: our craftsmen manually create and sew each part, giving them an individual character and unique texture, creating a special atmosphere of comfort inside the yurt. Thanks to this, each of our yurts becomes a truly unique object of material culture,
created by human skill and nature itself.
A craft passed down from generation to generation
+996 500 808 080
2024 The Nomad
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